So how did we personally go from bondage to masturbation to complete freedom? Obviously the work of the Holy Spirit is the answer to that question. But what were some of the resources that the Spirit used to do this incredible work?
Here are some that had a big impact on us:

Every Man’s Battle
This book is probably the best resource that someone can purchase regarding the struggle for freedom from pornography and masturbation. Written in a very down-to-earth manner, the authors draw the reader into their past personal struggles and offer extremely insightful advice on finding freedom from these sins.

Wired for Intimacy
This is a great resource for really understanding the scientific relationship between pornography and masturbation and sexual dysfunction. This can be a great tool that provides some much-needed motivation in the struggle to stop masturbation (and obviously the pornography with which it is often related) in one’s life as it helps clarify the seriousness of the matter from a biological perspective. A must read!

One of the more popular sites that discuss the scientific relationship between pornography and addictive masturbation.